12-14-2024, 06:28 PM
This RP follows the events of the 2024 Milintican General Election. The relevant posts can be found here. If you would like to participate in this RP, DM Haesan. More likely than not, if you think this applies to you, Haesan will DM you to participate in this RP regardless.
Let's play a little game of chess, shall we?
12/3/2024, 8:00 a.m. CHT; Huānoch, Milintica
The phone rang out through the nearly vacant Haesanite embassy. Half-awake, the residence's sole occupant cautiously picked up the phone.
"Yeoboseyo? Who is this?" remarked the always diligent Kim Hae-rin, even though it was only six in the morning and every cell in her body urged her back to sleep. However, in her profession, the trade of diplomatic manipulation, there was little time to rest.
On the other end was her boss, Lee Ye-eun, Deputy Foreign Minister for Caxcanan Affairs, who was incredibly proud of Haerin, for she had accomplished what she set out to do: encourage Milintica to leave the Union of Caxcanan States.
"Haerin-ssi, I'm glad you are the same as always. We at the Foreign Ministry just want to say thank you for your hard work in ensuring the wonderful result that was announced yesterday at the Red Wave Conference. Your work, especially with giving that Aurian a little push, was well observed and duly noted. You have truly helped get the ball rolling for our large, international efforts."
"Thank you, but why do I have the feeling that there's something more that you wanted to ask of me," responded the ever-tired and slightly exasperated Haerin.
"How perceptive of you! While this task was complete, the playing field is still littered with challenges to what we hope to accomplish. As such, while your efforts will no longer be needed in Milintica. However, given your already established connections, we are reassigning you to Auria. Don't worry, your family will be meeting you there, and you will receive a substantive bonus for your troubles."
Haerin rubbed her eyes, knowing the road ahead of her would be a long and treacherous one indeed. "When do I leave?"
"A helicopter will leave from the embassy roof at noon today. It's best not to wait too long, our sources have indicated that there are major shocks about to come in Milintica, and we'll want you out."
"Understood, I'll get packing, then."
12/3/2024, 1:00 p.m. CHT; Hwagang, HCR, Haesan
"...and once again, we are proud to announce Suyang's bid for the 2025 IDU Summer Olympic Games! We encourage you all to embrace the 'Spirit of Summer' with us, and make this competition the greatest Olympiad in history!"
Foreign Minister Cho snapped off the TV. "Well, this definitely complicates matters. We're going to be on eggshells with how we go about this now. We don't want to make enemies out of this, if anyone doesn't show up at the so called 'most accessible' games, it'll be a horrific look."
Director of Secret Intelligence Noelle Avery responded calmly, "Stop being so dramatic Jihwan. We haven't even won the bid yet. And even if we do, the reverse pressure is also true, others won't want to alienate us, since they'll want to compete."
"We're going ahead, right? We have to go ahead at this point, we've spent so much political capital building the infrastructure up to do this push," exclaimed Caxcanan Minister Jin Seung-jun.
"Of course, commencing the roll-out of the Promethean Sea Council development plan is indeed the purpose of this meeting. Everyone here has the capabilities which will make this historic, mission-critical organization a possibility," Cho replied.
Yeeun piped up, "I'm assuming my role here is to ensure that there are no, um, roadblocks to a Suyang-based system?"
"Naturally. And Salmah, you have the most challenging task, which is managing Laeral throughout this ordeal," added Cho.
Salmah Jahanian, the Minister for Eastern Hesperidan Affairs nodded firmly, taking solace that the early returns indicated Laeralsford wouldn't be a concern for much longer.
"We have a lot of work ahead of us. Let's stay positive, and remember to keep each other constantly updated about developments, ok?" said a confident, but very stressed Director Avery, to bring the meeting to a close. The five of them would be at the core of bringing their lofty ambitions to fruition.
12/3/2014, 7:30 p.m. CHT; Dalseongjeon, Hwagang, HCR
"President Kim, we are moving forward with the Promethean Sea Council. Our briefing materials are contained in this packet," said Minister Cho as he gingerly placed the manila folder on the glass and marble desk.
"Thank you for your help in this matter. Hopefully we can truly usher in a new era of geopolitics," replied I-seul, turning in her white leather swivel chair.
"Before I leave, I'm wondering one last thing: what do we seriously hope to accomplish by all of this? We can't simply re-write the 'world order' overnight."
"Ah, Jihwan, it's simple, it's about a nation daring to dream again."
"Respectfully, what in the world do you mean by that? It's just an international organization?"
Iseul rested her hands on her chin, pensively, and then started, "For years, we have been a beached whale, stuck in a mentality of incapability. We too readily placated others in search of any shred of economic capability. But you see, we once majestically roamed these seas, and when we breached, we sent out shockwaves felt across the globe. Now, when we are a richer nation than our neighbors, we are more cosmopolitan, more financially adept, and better educated, why must we continue to work at the beck and call of others? Why should we not try to forge our own destiny? We can choose to escape this paralysis, in fact, it is our nation prerogative to do so. Do you see now?"
Minister Cho, terrified by the pressure brought on by this revelation, quietly agreed, and saw himself out. As he left, the sound from a TV in a nearby room filtered in, "...as the absentee President Kim currently has a 27% approval rating, the lowest of any sitting president not indicted by crim-" as the door clicked shut.
Let's play a little game of chess, shall we?
12/3/2024, 8:00 a.m. CHT; Huānoch, Milintica
The phone rang out through the nearly vacant Haesanite embassy. Half-awake, the residence's sole occupant cautiously picked up the phone.
"Yeoboseyo? Who is this?" remarked the always diligent Kim Hae-rin, even though it was only six in the morning and every cell in her body urged her back to sleep. However, in her profession, the trade of diplomatic manipulation, there was little time to rest.
On the other end was her boss, Lee Ye-eun, Deputy Foreign Minister for Caxcanan Affairs, who was incredibly proud of Haerin, for she had accomplished what she set out to do: encourage Milintica to leave the Union of Caxcanan States.
"Haerin-ssi, I'm glad you are the same as always. We at the Foreign Ministry just want to say thank you for your hard work in ensuring the wonderful result that was announced yesterday at the Red Wave Conference. Your work, especially with giving that Aurian a little push, was well observed and duly noted. You have truly helped get the ball rolling for our large, international efforts."
"Thank you, but why do I have the feeling that there's something more that you wanted to ask of me," responded the ever-tired and slightly exasperated Haerin.
"How perceptive of you! While this task was complete, the playing field is still littered with challenges to what we hope to accomplish. As such, while your efforts will no longer be needed in Milintica. However, given your already established connections, we are reassigning you to Auria. Don't worry, your family will be meeting you there, and you will receive a substantive bonus for your troubles."
Haerin rubbed her eyes, knowing the road ahead of her would be a long and treacherous one indeed. "When do I leave?"
"A helicopter will leave from the embassy roof at noon today. It's best not to wait too long, our sources have indicated that there are major shocks about to come in Milintica, and we'll want you out."
"Understood, I'll get packing, then."
12/3/2024, 1:00 p.m. CHT; Hwagang, HCR, Haesan
"...and once again, we are proud to announce Suyang's bid for the 2025 IDU Summer Olympic Games! We encourage you all to embrace the 'Spirit of Summer' with us, and make this competition the greatest Olympiad in history!"
Foreign Minister Cho snapped off the TV. "Well, this definitely complicates matters. We're going to be on eggshells with how we go about this now. We don't want to make enemies out of this, if anyone doesn't show up at the so called 'most accessible' games, it'll be a horrific look."
Director of Secret Intelligence Noelle Avery responded calmly, "Stop being so dramatic Jihwan. We haven't even won the bid yet. And even if we do, the reverse pressure is also true, others won't want to alienate us, since they'll want to compete."
"We're going ahead, right? We have to go ahead at this point, we've spent so much political capital building the infrastructure up to do this push," exclaimed Caxcanan Minister Jin Seung-jun.
"Of course, commencing the roll-out of the Promethean Sea Council development plan is indeed the purpose of this meeting. Everyone here has the capabilities which will make this historic, mission-critical organization a possibility," Cho replied.
Yeeun piped up, "I'm assuming my role here is to ensure that there are no, um, roadblocks to a Suyang-based system?"
"Naturally. And Salmah, you have the most challenging task, which is managing Laeral throughout this ordeal," added Cho.
Salmah Jahanian, the Minister for Eastern Hesperidan Affairs nodded firmly, taking solace that the early returns indicated Laeralsford wouldn't be a concern for much longer.
"We have a lot of work ahead of us. Let's stay positive, and remember to keep each other constantly updated about developments, ok?" said a confident, but very stressed Director Avery, to bring the meeting to a close. The five of them would be at the core of bringing their lofty ambitions to fruition.
12/3/2014, 7:30 p.m. CHT; Dalseongjeon, Hwagang, HCR
"President Kim, we are moving forward with the Promethean Sea Council. Our briefing materials are contained in this packet," said Minister Cho as he gingerly placed the manila folder on the glass and marble desk.
"Thank you for your help in this matter. Hopefully we can truly usher in a new era of geopolitics," replied I-seul, turning in her white leather swivel chair.
"Before I leave, I'm wondering one last thing: what do we seriously hope to accomplish by all of this? We can't simply re-write the 'world order' overnight."
"Ah, Jihwan, it's simple, it's about a nation daring to dream again."
"Respectfully, what in the world do you mean by that? It's just an international organization?"
Iseul rested her hands on her chin, pensively, and then started, "For years, we have been a beached whale, stuck in a mentality of incapability. We too readily placated others in search of any shred of economic capability. But you see, we once majestically roamed these seas, and when we breached, we sent out shockwaves felt across the globe. Now, when we are a richer nation than our neighbors, we are more cosmopolitan, more financially adept, and better educated, why must we continue to work at the beck and call of others? Why should we not try to forge our own destiny? We can choose to escape this paralysis, in fact, it is our nation prerogative to do so. Do you see now?"
Minister Cho, terrified by the pressure brought on by this revelation, quietly agreed, and saw himself out. As he left, the sound from a TV in a nearby room filtered in, "...as the absentee President Kim currently has a 27% approval rating, the lowest of any sitting president not indicted by crim-" as the door clicked shut.