06-10-2021, 06:20 PM
(A Joint Post with Xiomera)
Chancellor's Study, Geminus
"It's a genius idea, sir, it's just that I don't know if the Milinticans would agree to it." Derek Hale, the Eirian Minister of the Economy, sat before the Chancellor, engaged in discussion. "Their economy is stagnating, but they are socialists and Very hateful of any perceived foreign imperialism. This can't look like we're taking advantage of their money problems."
"I know. If you'd like to draw some drafts, I'll call President Matōchmizalo and ask him." Hale stood, nodding and heading for the door. Lancaster picked up his desk phone. "Could you get President Matōchmizalo of Milintica on the line please?"
At the presidential residence, President Matōchmizalo was working on the planned international introduction of a new Milintican food product when his aide poked his head through the door. “Sir, the Eirian Chancellor is calling and asking to speak with you.”
Matōchmizalo put down his documents, an interested look on his face. When the call was transferred, he quickly looked at a dossier before answering. “Chancellor, good to hear from you. How can the Democratic Republic be of assistance?”
"Mister President, it's a pleasure, as always. And I was hoping to exchange some mutual economic gains, from one Democratic Republic to another. I'm apologize if I'm too prompt or straight to the point, but a trade agreement at this time would be incredibly beneficial to both of our nations. A way to lift both of our economies. Would you and your nation be receptive to a potential trade deal?" The Chancellor kept his tone even and light, a slight accent bleeding through.
”No need to apologize, Chancellor. I have been accused of being blunt many times, but I see little point in beating around the bush. So, I appreciate the directness,” Matōchmizalo replied. “We would be highly interested. What did you have in mind?”
"Well, Eiria has very strong Processed Goods and electronics industries, however, as these markets grow, demand for materials also increased. And while Eiria has plenty precious medals such as Gold and Silver, we border on not meeting demand for others, such as tin, lead, and zinc. And if my information is correct, those are materials that Milintica has."
"So, here's what I propose: We give Milintican companies the ability to sell these needed materials to Eirian companies, and in return, Eirian consumer goods companies get access to the Milintican Market. You can also rest assured that your minerals are being sold to a nation with extensive environmental regulations."
”The assurance is appreciated. Milintica does have certain expectations of the nations we trade with, when it comes to issues like the environment and the treatment of workers. My aides have assured me that Eiria meets our requirements in this regard and would be a well-suited trade partner. We would be happy to agree to such an exchange.” Matōchmizalo paused. “There are certain trade goods we would like to introduce to foreign markets as well, and we would be interested in doing so in Eiria. We’d be willing to partner with Eirian companies that meet our expectations.”
"I don't think you'll have much trouble finding Eirian companies that meet your standards. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of trade goods did you have in mind to introduce to Eirian markets? I can provide suggestions on how and where to do so, if I'm able to know what the products are."
”The products we had in mind, to begin, are some food products that we have produced and sold here in Milintica for years. We have a very environmentally and socially conscious population, and many of our citizens prefer not to eat meat. We offer a variety of products under the MiliMeat brand that could be of interest. They are made of soy and potato proteins, and are an excellent substitute for beef, pork or sausage products. They could provide both a health benefit and an environmental benefit,” Matōchmizalo said. “We’ve been wanting to expand the product line, and Eiria could be a great test market.”
"That's very intriguing. Meat is much less common in Eiria, and as such, it is very expensive. We have a sizeable vegetarian and vegan population as well, so I think those products could be very popular, especially in some bigger cities. What kind of Eirian goods would sell well in Milintica, out of curiosity?" Lancaster asked, grabbing a pen and paper with his spare hand.
”If the cost is right, just about anything you have to offer, really. Consumer electronics and vehicles, in particular, would do well. I would recommend starting with basic, affordable versions as those will do better here. Also, our people would highly enjoy some variety in food and beverage products, so if there are any you think would be a good introduction to Eirian culture, that would probably be a hit here also.”
"Ah, our reputation for alcohol precedes us, I see. Our consumer electronics companies will be delighted, given how much competition there is in that industry in Eiria. And given how much I've dropped my phone without damage, I think you'll be happy with the quality of our electronics." Lancaster joked, donning a light smile.
"I tend to drop the horrible things myself, so I am glad they are durable," Matōchmizalo replied. "I think we have the outlines of a good deal here for both parties, and our aides and such can hammer out the finer details."
"I agree. I'll get my Minister of the Economy working on that right away. I had run the idea past him a little but ago, and he enjoyed the idea, so he'll get right on it." The Chancellor paused, considering how to phrase a question. "Do you think the members of your Legislature would be on board with this plan? I'm not sure how Milintican politics works, and I don't want to put unnecessary strain on your administration."
”The majority of our legislature is of my party, the MPP. Therefore, it should not be too hard to gain approval at all. There may be a few far-left MPP or PPM representatives who oppose it, but between the MPP majority and the Greens we should have no issues at all. I assume your legislature would also be on board?”
"I believe so. I may have to frame it a certain way for the ModRights to agree, but that's not too hard of a challenge. Perspective is one of the greatest verbal weapons anyone can wield, after all." Lancaster wrote a couple notes on his legal pad. "I'm glad you are as enthusiastic as I am about this opportunity."
”Of course! There will be some who question why I am striking a deal with a capitalist country, but Eiria has a good reputation as far as issues that matter to us. It’s not like I’m trading with Xiomera or Shuell,” Matōchmizalo chuckled. “I think this will be good for both our countries.”
"Agreed. And I'm glad we could serve as a viable alternative to Shuell and Xiomera. Those aren't exactly ideal trade partners. Also, good luck to your athletes in the Olympics! I hope we serve as gracious hosts for the Milintican Delegation."
”Thank you, we’re looking forward to visiting and competing. I am sure your hospitality will be excellent. And we wish your athletes the best of luck as well,” Matōchmizalo replied pleasantly.
"Thank you, I'll extend that to our Athletes. Have an excellent day, Mister President!" Lancaster placed the phone on the receiver, scribbling even more cursive on the legal pad with a blue pen before standing and walking to his secretary. "Could you get this to Minister Hale please, preferably as soon as possible?" He asked, handing her the sheet of paper. Hale certainly has a lot of work ahead of him.
When the call was done, Matōchmizalo sat back with a pleased sigh. The trade deal would shore up Milintica’s struggling economy and relieve domestic pressure on his administration. But it was also a way for Milintica to begin making inroads, however small, with the rest of the world. “Have Tetlalli and his team begin working on finalizing this,” he told his aide, referring to the Minister of Trade. “And have Environment and Development assist them in putting together the press campaign for this deal,” he added. Coming to an agreement with Lancaster had been the easy part. Matōchmizalo now had to sell the deal to his party and to the Milintican people - some of whom would be less than enthused at dealings with a capitalist country. “Call the Prime Minister and have him come by, he’ll need to help me sell this.”
Chancellor's Study, Geminus
"It's a genius idea, sir, it's just that I don't know if the Milinticans would agree to it." Derek Hale, the Eirian Minister of the Economy, sat before the Chancellor, engaged in discussion. "Their economy is stagnating, but they are socialists and Very hateful of any perceived foreign imperialism. This can't look like we're taking advantage of their money problems."
"I know. If you'd like to draw some drafts, I'll call President Matōchmizalo and ask him." Hale stood, nodding and heading for the door. Lancaster picked up his desk phone. "Could you get President Matōchmizalo of Milintica on the line please?"
At the presidential residence, President Matōchmizalo was working on the planned international introduction of a new Milintican food product when his aide poked his head through the door. “Sir, the Eirian Chancellor is calling and asking to speak with you.”
Matōchmizalo put down his documents, an interested look on his face. When the call was transferred, he quickly looked at a dossier before answering. “Chancellor, good to hear from you. How can the Democratic Republic be of assistance?”
"Mister President, it's a pleasure, as always. And I was hoping to exchange some mutual economic gains, from one Democratic Republic to another. I'm apologize if I'm too prompt or straight to the point, but a trade agreement at this time would be incredibly beneficial to both of our nations. A way to lift both of our economies. Would you and your nation be receptive to a potential trade deal?" The Chancellor kept his tone even and light, a slight accent bleeding through.
”No need to apologize, Chancellor. I have been accused of being blunt many times, but I see little point in beating around the bush. So, I appreciate the directness,” Matōchmizalo replied. “We would be highly interested. What did you have in mind?”
"Well, Eiria has very strong Processed Goods and electronics industries, however, as these markets grow, demand for materials also increased. And while Eiria has plenty precious medals such as Gold and Silver, we border on not meeting demand for others, such as tin, lead, and zinc. And if my information is correct, those are materials that Milintica has."
"So, here's what I propose: We give Milintican companies the ability to sell these needed materials to Eirian companies, and in return, Eirian consumer goods companies get access to the Milintican Market. You can also rest assured that your minerals are being sold to a nation with extensive environmental regulations."
”The assurance is appreciated. Milintica does have certain expectations of the nations we trade with, when it comes to issues like the environment and the treatment of workers. My aides have assured me that Eiria meets our requirements in this regard and would be a well-suited trade partner. We would be happy to agree to such an exchange.” Matōchmizalo paused. “There are certain trade goods we would like to introduce to foreign markets as well, and we would be interested in doing so in Eiria. We’d be willing to partner with Eirian companies that meet our expectations.”
"I don't think you'll have much trouble finding Eirian companies that meet your standards. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of trade goods did you have in mind to introduce to Eirian markets? I can provide suggestions on how and where to do so, if I'm able to know what the products are."
”The products we had in mind, to begin, are some food products that we have produced and sold here in Milintica for years. We have a very environmentally and socially conscious population, and many of our citizens prefer not to eat meat. We offer a variety of products under the MiliMeat brand that could be of interest. They are made of soy and potato proteins, and are an excellent substitute for beef, pork or sausage products. They could provide both a health benefit and an environmental benefit,” Matōchmizalo said. “We’ve been wanting to expand the product line, and Eiria could be a great test market.”
"That's very intriguing. Meat is much less common in Eiria, and as such, it is very expensive. We have a sizeable vegetarian and vegan population as well, so I think those products could be very popular, especially in some bigger cities. What kind of Eirian goods would sell well in Milintica, out of curiosity?" Lancaster asked, grabbing a pen and paper with his spare hand.
”If the cost is right, just about anything you have to offer, really. Consumer electronics and vehicles, in particular, would do well. I would recommend starting with basic, affordable versions as those will do better here. Also, our people would highly enjoy some variety in food and beverage products, so if there are any you think would be a good introduction to Eirian culture, that would probably be a hit here also.”
"Ah, our reputation for alcohol precedes us, I see. Our consumer electronics companies will be delighted, given how much competition there is in that industry in Eiria. And given how much I've dropped my phone without damage, I think you'll be happy with the quality of our electronics." Lancaster joked, donning a light smile.
"I tend to drop the horrible things myself, so I am glad they are durable," Matōchmizalo replied. "I think we have the outlines of a good deal here for both parties, and our aides and such can hammer out the finer details."
"I agree. I'll get my Minister of the Economy working on that right away. I had run the idea past him a little but ago, and he enjoyed the idea, so he'll get right on it." The Chancellor paused, considering how to phrase a question. "Do you think the members of your Legislature would be on board with this plan? I'm not sure how Milintican politics works, and I don't want to put unnecessary strain on your administration."
”The majority of our legislature is of my party, the MPP. Therefore, it should not be too hard to gain approval at all. There may be a few far-left MPP or PPM representatives who oppose it, but between the MPP majority and the Greens we should have no issues at all. I assume your legislature would also be on board?”
"I believe so. I may have to frame it a certain way for the ModRights to agree, but that's not too hard of a challenge. Perspective is one of the greatest verbal weapons anyone can wield, after all." Lancaster wrote a couple notes on his legal pad. "I'm glad you are as enthusiastic as I am about this opportunity."
”Of course! There will be some who question why I am striking a deal with a capitalist country, but Eiria has a good reputation as far as issues that matter to us. It’s not like I’m trading with Xiomera or Shuell,” Matōchmizalo chuckled. “I think this will be good for both our countries.”
"Agreed. And I'm glad we could serve as a viable alternative to Shuell and Xiomera. Those aren't exactly ideal trade partners. Also, good luck to your athletes in the Olympics! I hope we serve as gracious hosts for the Milintican Delegation."
”Thank you, we’re looking forward to visiting and competing. I am sure your hospitality will be excellent. And we wish your athletes the best of luck as well,” Matōchmizalo replied pleasantly.
"Thank you, I'll extend that to our Athletes. Have an excellent day, Mister President!" Lancaster placed the phone on the receiver, scribbling even more cursive on the legal pad with a blue pen before standing and walking to his secretary. "Could you get this to Minister Hale please, preferably as soon as possible?" He asked, handing her the sheet of paper. Hale certainly has a lot of work ahead of him.
When the call was done, Matōchmizalo sat back with a pleased sigh. The trade deal would shore up Milintica’s struggling economy and relieve domestic pressure on his administration. But it was also a way for Milintica to begin making inroads, however small, with the rest of the world. “Have Tetlalli and his team begin working on finalizing this,” he told his aide, referring to the Minister of Trade. “And have Environment and Development assist them in putting together the press campaign for this deal,” he added. Coming to an agreement with Lancaster had been the easy part. Matōchmizalo now had to sell the deal to his party and to the Milintican people - some of whom would be less than enthused at dealings with a capitalist country. “Call the Prime Minister and have him come by, he’ll need to help me sell this.”