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Discussion of Eïkangärd / Whetosonghnee Conflict - Printable Version

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Discussion of Eïkangärd / Whetosonghnee Conflict - Lauchenoiria - 03-24-2024

The day after the resolution to abolish the Inner Council passed, Lauchenoiria's LIDUN Ambassador, Rosalinda Hernandez tabled a topic for discussion by the Security Council. The Lauchenoirians had been eyeing the situation with concern for months now, and Prime Minister Alvarez was well aware that the situation could escalate if it was not tackled sooner rather than later.

"Good morning everyone, I'd like to open this discussion on the situation in the Eikan DMZ between Eïkangärd and Whetosonghnee. As you likely know, the Eïkan government has been issuing a number of threats towards the Whetosonghneans for months now; most recently threatening to annex part of the country. We in Lauchenoiria feel that LIDUN would be neglecting our duty to ignore this situation; and therefore I wish to open this discussion to the floor."

RE: Discussion of Eïkangärd / Whetosonghnee Conflict - Greater Acadia - 03-30-2024

"Greater Acadia agrees that the current tensions at the border between Eikangard and Whetosonghnee merit immediate action. Further, Greater Acadia is of the position that the tensions have been as a direct result of Eikan provocations against the Whetosonghnean government. They have repeatedly issued illogical and agressive demands, and have responded with shows of force rather than attempts at negotiations. As such, we believe punitive measures should be taken against the Eikan regime in accordance with LIDUN charter. We must show that the international community will not tolerate open aggression against sovereign nations by other parties."