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Bullets of Democracy: How the Eirian Green Party Lost its Pacifism
By Anija Ravanel, Senator (Green - Jurmala 9)

The history of the National Party of Greens in Eiria is not simple by any measure. Born from the dreams of leftist political philosophers and farm workers alike, the green movement began in the early twentieth century, after our nation endured both political chaos and an awful invasion by Xiomera. The early ideals of our party were lofty, but clear: to design a future where we do not rely on possessions to bring us joy, where we are able to sustain our natural environments and ourselves at the same time, and where a peaceful world is not just possible, but real. Today, the Greens are a large force in Eirian politics, but with a more environmental focus. The NPG is now far away from its peaceful origins. But why?

The early incarnations of the green movement only had the power to influence local governments and the Senates of a few provinces. Outside of the governing coalitions of Serenity and Murdarb Provinces, our movement was widely seen as the shouting of a few activists on the outside of “normal” politics. It did take a few decades, but the seeds sown by the early green politicians bore fruit during and after the Great War. The reality of the second Xiomeran invasion inspired many on the left to dream of a world without war. From that, for the first time, large numbers of local Green candidates had the opportunity to win in national Senate races. Thus, a national Green electoral group was born, titled (rather obviously) the National Party of Greens.

Through the late twentieth century, the NPG used their increasing presence to gain power, particularly with the confidence-and-supply agreements with Rišard in 1970, Mēnjon in 1978, and a spot in the Blajeviča Coalition from 1990-1994. Their pacifistic and environmentally-focused beliefs attracted Progressive and Social Democratic voters who had grown angry with post-war economic reconstruction efforts that involved the exploitation of Eiria’s natural resources. As such, without the Great War, the NPG likely would not have gained national power.

But it was yet another war that started the change in the party’s platform to what we see today. After the political chaos of the Rēvs administration allowed Darrin to take power, the NPG saw itself slowly being pushed out of politics and political spaces by the ruling regime. This caused many activists in the party, who saw the fist of oppression grasping the nation, to rethink their pacifism and join resistance groups. After the war, this resulted in a divide within the Green movement between the “Dark Greens” (those who now believed that some wars are necessary to protect democracy) and the “Light Greens” (who hated the concept of a necessary war).

While the Dark Greens held the large majority of the seats and political power within the NPG immediately after the war, the Light Greens still held onto a small amount of seats for a few elections (despite losing some of their candidates to defections to the Progressives and Socialists). The thing that truly killed the idea of Green Pacifism in Eiria was the Second Xiomeran Civil War. With the rest of the governing coalition jumping at the opportunity to bring democracy to part of the Huenyan subcontinent, the party leadership was quick to declare their support of the military intervention. This act isolated the few remaining pacifists in the party, who either retired (as in the case of Senator Aleksa Relan), defected to the Progressives, or ran under the name of a small local party (Such as non-inscrit Senator Kleman Saliā).

Regardless if you believe that war can be necessary to protect democracy or not, the National Party of Greens saw the very kind of wars that created it change its key values to fit a “new reality.” The party’s platform is now primarily about recreating the Eirian economy in a way that saves our world, which is in line with the original dream behind Green thought. But the idea of a peaceful world has left the minds of many, including our own Green Chancellor. I hope that, in the end, we are right about war being inevitable for peace. Otherwise, we will pay for those democratic bullets and every life they took.

Lōdesei dei Demokratēja: Kō lei Partij Velts dei Eiria Perdasva sal Mērtēcēta
Paur Anija Ravanel, Senatē (Veltē, Jurmala 9)

Lei vestu deile Partij Nācōnals dei Veltēsei danz Eiria nē es vienkar, nē svara lei merē. Piedzasva deiles revētasei deiles dōmēsei politikcasei dei krōš ut darbēsei dei fermētasei lei paš, lei kenēta velts kōmzasva dans lei sēek duvdenēaš, apre mas nācōn izturasva lei duvs dei hīos politikca ut un anvajacōn šausmi paur Šiōmera. Leis tecētasei akrij dei mas partij nanasaoj auks, bet klirs: Dēzīnat un nakōta kur nē karikam leis amētasei mōs det prēa, kur poivam sutenit mas venirōdesei dabanesei ut mus arvec lei paš mās, ut kur un pasa mērca nē es seul poivaca, bet rēl. Cis dier, leis Veltēsei arana un spek krad danz lei politikei de Eiria, bet konzentrana prablemei venirōdeca plu. Lei PNV es talu dei sal race mērtēca. Bet kāois?

Leis renkarnētasei akrijei deile kenēta velts seul amanasa lei poiv jatekmet parvalētasei lōkusei ut leis Senatei dei daše prōvinzei. Dehara deiles kōalicōnei ku parvalanasa deiles prōvinzei dei Serenety ut Murdarb, dauz dei persei tēcanasa ku mas kenēta nanasa daše aktēsei ku stendanasa dei dehara dei lei politik nōrmal. Nōkanasa daše denadsei, bet leis seklasei ku leis politikē veltsei akrijei danasa līka ut apre Lei Karšēta Krad. Lei situacōn rēl deile duvaš anvajacōn paur Šiōmera inespanasa dauz deile krōš revet un pasa nevec karšēta. Dei cas, kō un lēta naus, dauz krol dei kandēsei veltsei lōkusei amanasa lei espeja uzvat danz leis kandētasei paur Senat nācōnals. Dei cis, un grupa nācōnals dei veltēsei piedzasva, ut toi zauna (treis klirsma) lei Partij Nācōnals dei Veltēsei.

Vizā deile sēek duvdenēaš tār, lei PNV izasva sal endua danz lei politik ku paplašasvaoj tak poivana uzvat spek, partikalame avec leis apsōlētasei dei atbalit avec Rišard danz 1970, Mēnjon danz 1978, ut un endua danz lei Kōalicōn dei Blajeviča dei 1990 as 1994. Leis balēsei Devacasei ut Demokratēcasei Sōcialsei ku aranaoj faša an leis ešētasei dei renkarnat lei ekonomē apre lei karšēta ku incluasvaoj lei izmanēča deiles resursei dabanesei dei Eiria patanasa leis tēcētasei mērtēca dei NPV ku konzentranasa lei venirōde. Ut tak, neves Lei Karšēta Krad, lei PNV prōbema nē han usvasva spek nācōnals.

Bet cas kuj kōmzasva mānit leis tecētasei dei PNV as ku redam cis dier arana un zitu karšēta. Apre lei hīos politikca dei adminiztēta Rēvs atlaujasva Darrin reklet spek, lei rejem ku vadasva fōrzasva lei PNV dehara dei politik ut leis enduasei politikcasei. Cas kausasva dauz aktēsei dans lei partij, ku redanasa lei dure dei uprimēča turasvaoj lei nācōn, dōmat atkal dei seres mērtēcēta ut pevinat leis grupasei dei resistēča. Apre lei karšēta, cas kreasva un divisōn danz lei kenēta veltca antra leis “veltēsei zōmbei” (kē nag tēcana ku nejam daše karšētasei proteget demokratēja) ut leis “veltēsei lieklei” (kē ienisana lei dōmēta ku nejam karšēta).

Pendar leis veltēsei zōmbei amanasa lei magōrte deiles rakstamsei ut deile piov politikca danza deile PNV imedima apre lei karšēta, leis veltēsei lieklei joprō turanasa daše maz dei rakstamsei pōr daše elērēčasei (Serre depit perdanasa kandēsei ku defektanasa at leis Devacēsei ut Demokratēsei Sōcialei). Tal ku tuasva lei ideja dei mērtēcēta velts danz Eira nasva lei Duvaš Karšēta Civikca dei Šiōmera. Arvec tut dei auts danz lei kōalicōn ku parvalasva kenasva atrijma kā lei espeja atnet as dalja dei lei sukōntinen Nōrduenjaca, leis vadēsei dei partij anoncanasa atrijma seres atbalēta deile intervenēča militārca. Cis aktēta ēasva talu dei leis mērtēcēsei ku palikanasa danz lei partij, kē vaja partanasa dei politik (kō danz lei endua dei Senatē Aleksa Relan), defektanasa at leis Devacēsei, vī kandanasa arvec lei noms dei un partij maz lōku ((kō danz lei endua dei Senatē Kleman Saliā).

Nē svara sē tēcis ku nejam karšēta pōr proteget demokratēja vī nen, lei Partij Nācōnals dei Veltēsei redasva ku lei paš karšēta ku toi kreasva mānasva sal tecētasei lielasei pōr iderat un “rēlēta naus.” Lei base dei partij nag konzentra renkarnat lei ēkonomē dei Eiria danz pōr sōvet mas pasa, ku idera lei revēta veks vaša dōmētasei veltēsasei. Bet lei ideja dei un pasa mērtēca partasva leis galvasei dei dauz persei, inclua mas Čanceliōr velts. Eserem ku, paur lei jason, aram justi tēcet ku tujes sana nejam karšēta pōr mēr. Sē nē, sana maksam pōr casei lōdesei demokratējaca ut kate dvivēta ku jasonanasa.